An interview with host Cathy Coyle, Episode 1

An interview with host Cathy Coyle, Episode 1

An interview with host Cathy Coyle, Episode 1

“So in any shamanic initiation, you have layers, so you have the shamanic descent, so the descent into the underworld is part and parcel of any initiation. And I guess if I hadn’t been able to withstand the descent, and the fear and the visions, and the extremity of that, then I wouldn’t have been able to progress through the layers.

And I mean, my teachers were amazing. They only pushed me as far as they safely felt I could be pushed initially. And then it was like Keanu, you’re going in now you’re going to have to take responsibility for your own mind for your own heart. And that’s where I think you get really, really empowered because you’re starting to learn about fear, how to transcend fear, and working in, in heavier energies.

One of the things that I was reflecting on was how shamanic sickness, where there’s often years of mental illness the body breaks down, the mind breaks down barriers, or often a near death experience, and these are the hallmarks of the initiates before they move into initiation and I had all of these things from a very young age. I had gone through a lot of challenges. And when I was in medicine, I realized that because I had withstood these extreme trials in life, it made me a lot more resilient, and a lot stronger within those very challenging medicine spaces.

I think if I hadn’t gone through those challenges within my day to day life or within my youth, then I probably wouldn’t have been able to withstand what I was going through within the journey space.”

Cathy Coyle
Shamanic Therapist

Cathy Coyle

Cathy Coyle

Podcast Host, Shamanic Therapist



Host & Visionary Medicine Woman Cathy Coyle interviewed by Stefanie Cohan

Darren Springer is a mycologist, educator, researcher and event organizer based in the UK. With a passion for exploring the African roots of Sacred Mushroom use. This interview explores Darrens Afro-carribean roots, his mentor Kilindi Lyi, and high dose journeying with psilocybin.

Anne Dutton, is a mindfulness and meditation instructor, psychotherapist, somatic therapist, clinician for on-going research trials at Yale, and Buddhist scholar. We discuss the role of meditation and yoga in the psychedelic experience and integration. Annes involvement with the on going Psilocybin research at Yale University.

Julian Vayne, a renowned Occultist. With expertise spanning from Druidry to Chaos Magick, from indigenous American shamanism through to Freemasonry and Wicca. A regular speaker at conferences on the subject of contemporary occultism and magic, Julian is a also a museum educator. We chat Tantra, Animal guides and Julians new book “Getting Higher”- The manual of psychedelic ceremony. 

Shonagh Home, visionary medicine woman, shamanic therapist, author  and poet. Shonagh is an instrumental figure in the psychedelic community, a voice and inspiration for women on the path of visionary medicine work, and a key figure in re-establishing sacred mushroom work as a shamanic path. We explore the role of nature as a portal for healing and self discovery, the remembrance of women as witches and medicine guides and how we can assist people to move through the current state of global disillusionment.  

Rob Coffey, Psychotherapist, Celtic Shamanic Guide, Founder of Inward Bound Legal Pscilocybin retreats in the Netherlands. Rob and I discuss the shamanic foundations of mushroom medicine, the role of plant medicines in the Western World, integration, ethics and holding space.